Remaining Positive In A Non-Positive Environment

Remaining Positive In A Non-Positive Environment

I dare anyone to challenge the inevitable fact that we all have days at times when our mood is less than pretty.  As leaders it can be a struggle to inhibit outside influences that wreck havoc on our emotions.  Here are just a few quick reminders on how to make sure we have a better day.

  1.  Have a solid exercise routine.  Exercise produces positive endorphins. The challenge…exercising.  I am as guilty as the next person when it comes to making this a habit.  When it is a habit I have to vocally tell myself of the positive feelings it invokes.
  2. Create a work atmosphere that remains positive.  Do you have plants on your desk?  Lavender or rosemary plants have great overall aura about them and amazing positive benefits.  While writing this post I came across that in my research.  Time to head to my local plant market!
  3. Simply put…avoid negative people.  Are there some people in your life that you cringe at asking the simple question: “How are you today?”  Yep, you know who they are.  The term “cleanse” is a popular one these days.  Sometimes a people cleanse is necessary.

Quite often when I write I am taking on a personal challenge.  Today was another day to rise up and be positive.  I hope you do the same.

Written by Jonathan Saar

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